Test Cabasse Rialto : 18/20 for « an exceptional sound quality » !
Discover Planet Sans fil review about Rialto, Cabasse’s first connected bookshelf speakers with « an exceptionnal sound quality ».
« These Cabasse Rialto speakers are truly versatile, offering exceptional sound quality in a small format with a lovely design. All the connectivity is right there ».
« The presence of a screen on the right speaker is useful for selecting the source, displaying the control settings and the track being played… More detailed adjustments can be made using Cabasse StreamCONTROL application ».

RIALTO, the first Cabasse wireless Hi-fi system in a bookshelf format.
Inspired by the most famous and oldest bridge in Venice, this new audio system named RIALTO symbolises the junction between traditional Hi-Fi and the connected technologies developed over the last 10 years by Cabasse. It embeds the best acoustic and software technologies and is composed of two connected active speakers, in a compact bookshelf format, with soft and rounded lines reminiscent of the Murano.
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